Importing several reference-files at the same time?


Currently I’m searching for literature and I have ended up with fourty citation references that I want to import into Endnote. What I have done is chosen to import a reference from google ending up with .enw files, but as I want to import them into Endnote I can only chose one at a time (in the chose the file to import window) which bothers me as there are already plenty and more will come. Is there anyway to work around this? I have earlier looked for a solution to this problem without result. I have also tried to use the built-in Automator but unfortunately I don’t get it to work either.

Would be very happy if anyone could help med out. 

I run Endnote X3 on Mac (10.5.8).

Thank you for your time 

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Google Scholar – you can only export one result at a time.

I’m not sure how this works on a Mac. On a Windows machine, all that you have to do is to open My Computer or Windows Explorer, find an .enw file, and double click on it. EndNote will then open and import the file.

I think I have earlier tried to just double click the .enw file and that it didn’t work. However, I marked all of my 40 or so files and double clicked them and have managed to import them in this way. The trouble here was to get the Mac to assign Endnote as the specified program for the file type (one thing that is much more intuitive in Windows), but I now think I’ve got it. Will have to see when I’ve got a bunch of new ones to import. Thank you for your idea that helped me.


University of Gothenburg, Sweden