Insert a citation of the type 'Thatcher 1993 in Chitty 2004, p.xx'


I can do basic citations, but I can’t work out how to do ones of the ‘so and so IN so and so’ type and I couldn’t figure out what it was called to look it up in help despite reading the menu!

Any help greatly appreciated.



@gmabbitt wrote:


I can do basic citations, but I can’t work out how to do ones of the ‘so and so IN so and so’ type

There isn’t a really good way to do this automatically, which maybe a surprise with such a complex program.  My recommendation would be {Thatcher, 1993 #RecNo in Chitty 2004, p. xx; #RecNo_}._ 


That is, insert the two references.  Then using the “edit citation” tools, hide the author and year for the “in” ref and then type the red italicized text in the suffix of the “Edit Citation” “more” option to the Thatcher citation.  There are probably complicated alternatives, but they would require alternative record types, alternative templates in bibliography and probably citation ordering, punctuation and other issues to resolve.

Thanks - I’ll try it!
