I have several citations I need to insert, but there is no style for them really. I want to create a new reference in EndNote and just paste the citation in EN, just how it is. I don’t want to fiddle with which field is where. Becaues I’m using EndNote for other citation, I need to be able to do this.
I don’t understand what you are looking for - or is this a suggestion to do something you don’t think Endnote is capable of?
You could type what you want in an unused field and copy and paste it manually I guess?
A citation in the text or the reference in a bibliographic list? Can you provide examples?
The OP didn’t follow up with his question, but mine is the very same as his.
The situation is as follows:
When I let EndNote to create my bibliographies it starts linking every citation (located within the text body) with its respective bibliography (at the reference section). When I tried to insert my own citation and reference data, and for whatever reason I clicked “Update Citations and Bibliography” button, it swept out everything I had written. It denies the information the user put.
I know there must be a way to avoid this, but I just couldn’t figure out. Of course I can avoid clicking the “Update” button, but I want to be able to update the sections, just in case some new form of citation appears and… whatever.
Thanks in advance!
@betagamizado wrote:
When I let EndNote to create my bibliographies it starts linking every citation (located within the text body) with its respective bibliography (at the reference section). When I tried to insert my own citation and reference data, and for whatever reason I clicked “Update Citations and Bibliography” button, it swept out everything I had written. It denies the information the user put.
Unclear what you mean by “I tried to insert my own citation and reference data”. If you’re inserting a citation without first creating a corresponding EndNote record then clicking “Update Citations and Bibliography” will erase the citation. Also note that once the EndNote record is created the in-text citation can be inserted into the document using EndNote's “Insert Citation” function.
If not please provide the name of the output style you’re using and further explanation.
Endnote generates fields for the citations and for the bibliography. You can not manually edit the information in the “grey” fields. They will be replace the next time you update, with the underlying information which is coded in the fields. You can edit a citation and add extra information into the intext citation (right click in the grey field and choose edit citation, more) - where you can insert prefix and suffix information (and, in some styles, page numbers, if that is in the citation template of that output style).
You can never edit the reference list that is produced, unless you are all finished with the manuscript, strip the field codes so they are plain text (there is a tool for that but if you do that you can never reformat later with endnote, so it forces you to make a new document – don’t choose the same file name!) and then you can add or edit it to your hearts content. But you are better off getting endnote to insert the citation from a record…
Please how do I arrange this citation in Endnote 9.0 given from (Pie 1982; Abraham 2003; Carter 2009) to (Carter 2009; Abraham 2003; Pie 1982) in in-text brackets.
Thank you.
I don’t know how to start a conversation, so I used the reply instead.
Thank you.