I’m using EndNote X8.2 and would like to know how to insert the number of pages (not the page number) of a reference in the footnotes. I use the form ‘’, p. |Cited Pages.’’ but when I want to insert the number of pages through ‘‘Edit Citation’’ I can’t do it because I always have the letter ‘‘p’’ before the number and not after the number. I study in art history and we use our own style which works very well but I can’t find a solution for this problem.
Thank you for your help.
Which reference type and what field contains the number of pages in the record? You should be able to insert that field in the footnote template (with appropriate punctuation, link adjacent and separation fields, so you don’t end up with the punctuation and spaces for any records that don’t have number of pages) .
thank you Leanne,
I have just clarified my first message.
I use the form ‘’, p. |Cited Pages.’’ but in this case when I want to insert the number of pages through ‘‘Edit Citation’’ I can’t do it because I always have the letter ‘‘p’’ before the number and not after the number.
Thank you
You should be able to put it in the suffix rather than cited pages? Just include the text in full with p after it.
Here is for example in Footnotes templates my reference type for a book :
Author, Title| [ Translated Title ]|, trad. de: Language| par Translator|, Number of Volumes t.|, Place Published|, Publisher, coll. « Series Title »|, Year |[Original Publication]|, vol. Volume, p. |Cited Pages.
if I select ‘‘Edit Citation(s)’’, ‘‘More’’ and I write the number of pages in the box ‘‘suffix’’. here is the result:
Peter Murray et Linda Murray, The art of the Renaissance, New York, Praeger, 2013 [1963], p. 286 p.
Can’t we temporarily remove the ‘‘p.’’ that precedes the numbers?
the pipe character should be before the p.
Author, Title| [ Translated Title ]|, trad. de: Language| par Translator|, Number of Volumes t.|, Place Published|, Publisher, coll. « Series Title »|, Year |[Original Publication]|, vol. Volume|, p. Cited Pages|.
I changed my Reference Type like you proposed, but it doesn’t work anymore. The letter ‘‘p’’ still appears.
probably also needs the link adjacent characters (which don’t copy and paste from here) instead of spaces.
Oh And you shouldn’t use the “cited pages” field for the information, must use the suffix field (or else it won’t work when you do want to use cited pages). If you never use cited pages, take out the p.
That’s what I was afraid of. This means that I have to go through all the chapters of my thesis, check all the footnotes and change from the ‘‘Edit Citation(s)’’ menu the information about the page numbers. From this menu, remove for each footnote all that appears in the box ‘‘pages’’ and enter the information in the box ‘‘suffix’’ by adding the letter ‘‘p’’ before or after the number as appropriate, without forgetting to modify the ‘‘References Types’’ and remove the ‘‘Cited pages’’. A enormous work!
Do you ever use cited pages as intended? If not, or if just a few, you can adjust the output style so the p. is following the number you inserted and change the few cited pages to the suffix.
I think the best solution in my case is to modify my style from the menu ‘‘Output Styles’’/ ‘‘Footnotes’’ / ‘‘Reference Types’’ and change the end of the sequence of each reference (book, section of books, etc.) and replace the (, p. Cited Pages|.) by (, Cited Pages|.) . With this solution, I can add the letter ‘‘p.’’ according to my needs…I hope