Install fails with "Error 1935" message

Attempts to install EndNote X4 on a Lenovo Y410 laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit) fails with "Error 1935.  An error occurred during the installation of assembly policy.9.0.Microsoft.VC90.ATL,type=win32-policy,processorArchitechture=X86,publicKeyToekn= =1fc8b3b9a1e1833b,ersion=9.0.30729.1.

I have disabled all non-Microsoft services.  I have disabled all AV and anti-spyware software.  I am logged in as a user in the Administrator group.  I have tried to do a custom install and installing just the core EndNote components.

The laptop was bought in Thailand and has a multi-use (Thai / English) keyboard.

Please advise.


Seth Jacobs

UC Davis
