Is EndNote abandoning Mac users?

EndNote 20.3 created several problems for Mac users. Most importantly, it mangled the ability to drop the entry list to the first letters of an authors surname in a list sorted by author, such as inserting “Smi” to have the list of entries drop down to the entries for “Smith.” Rather, entering any text simply send the cursor to the first entry in the author list, or to do nothing, depending on where you are in the sorted list of library entries.

This means that Mac users have to RE-sort the library by author name and still scroll MANUALLY to the author entry you’d like.

Some time ago, a helpful EndNote consultant said that this problem had been noted and corrected, but later has acknowledged that the corrections were NOT included in EndNote 20.4.

It’s hard to know why EndNote programmers would fix an issue for Macs yet not include the fixes in the next update.

I’ve solved the problem by going back to EndNote 20.1, which works fine for my needs.

EndNote has now produced two updates that have substantial problems for Mac users, EndNote 20.3 and EndNote 20.4, and it’s very discouraging to see this occur, especially in a product that, I believe, began 20 years ago as a Mac only product (please correct me if I’m wrong about this).

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You can rest assured that we are still committed to releasing Macintosh versions.
I can also confirm that this has been reported, several times, and is currently under investigation.
Sorry it wasn’t corrected in time for 20.4.
Also, apologies that we can’t provide a time-frame yet to a resolution to the issue.
It’s certainly a nuisance.

Hopefully before long!

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I too am a Mac user and Endnote 20.3 corrupted all of my libraries which were not recoverable even when I went back to Endnote 20.1. The main library is so big that it would try to recover it for days and days and days and then give me an error message that it was running out of memory and had to shut down. I am really angry that they released such a problematic update and continued to release updates. I had to go back to an older library that I use for all of my references but had to completely recreate my Groups and then also import the references. Furthermore, my department kept automatically pushing the updates to my computers and I finally had to ask them to stop and let me keep 20.1. What happened to testing updates before releasing them??? These problems with the last few updates without correcting these problems is horrible and these stupid messages that they know about the problems is not helpful. Fix them and test the updates before releasing them.

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I’m concerned about Mac support as well. I not only reported the above problem, but also an additional problem where window sizing was a problem… I even zoomed in and demonstrated the problems to EndNote personnel back in APRIL! My message thread that describes the problem is pasted below.

I spend a lot of $ for annual EndNote support. Can someone give us an estimated time to correct these problems?

thanks, Mike

" ( 25m 14s ) Michael: The Select Matching window opens at a fixed size that is too large for my laptop screen and can’t be resized.
( 25m 22s ) Janifer John Santhana Dass: Can you share with me a screenshot of the issue?
Agent Janifer John Santhana Dass requested a file transfer( 25m 37s ) Michael: Sure, give me a second…
File transfer succeeded.( 28m 18s ) Michael: I can also show you by zoom if you want…
( 28m 36s ) Janifer John Santhana Dass: Yes. We can move to Zoom also.
( 28m 55s ) Michael: OK, connect to zoom with the following link: Zoom prompt: Launch Meeting - Zoom
( 28m 55s ) Janifer John Santhana Dass: Please advise if you are reachable using this email address ( for the remote session.
( 29m 14s ) Janifer John Santhana Dass: Sure. Please give me a moment to connect.
If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.
Clarivate Customer Service Team"

My Mac automatically updated Endnote 20 to 20.4 during the night. The consequences have been dire. All of my libraries disappeared, and despite deep searches of the hard drive the external back up drive and the cloud, the endnote technician has so far only managed to recover two but ‘partially’ many references have just disappeared. We have now dumped 20.4 and return to our 20.3 version, and continue searching for the lost material.
The technician working on this has been patient and diligent in his searches and we keep on looking-with hope fading every day. In the meantime Im working on re-populating the libraries in use. I have no intention of ever re-loading 20,4. Has any other Mac user had any similar problems? If so, how did you remedy please!

What about a fix for apple silicon? Apple silicon was announced 2 years ago and apple silicon computers have been available for 18 months. We need an apple silicon native version and a word plug in that works. Soon, the only apple computers that will be available will be apple silicon. So, when someone writes: “You can rest assured that we are still committed to releasing Macintosh versions” what does that mean for apple silicon?

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This is EXACTLY why I do not want to put all my references into a single library. [Also because I work on manuscripts across a broad range of science topics and it makes no sense to blend them all together].
