Journal Term Lists Missing

I have just upgraded to EndNoteX8 on my MacBook, version 10.5.5. I have noticed that the Journal Terms list were incomplete (those generated when importing references) and I followed the instructions EndNote provide. When I went to import the Terms List from the EndNote folder, I noticed that there was no terms list or simlar as described in the tutorial. I expected to see an EndNote Folder within applications, however there was none, only the newly installed application. The EndNote Folder is in documents. I have read the forum about problems with Journal Abbreviations, and I note that the first step is to import the EndNote provided Journal Terms List, however I appear not to have that list provided to me, nor can I find it online.  Any suggestions?

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Perhaps they weren’t included during installation?  

There are ones on the web - -like here 

I could also attach one or more, from my X7 collection, if you like.  

Antrhopology, Archaeology, Astronomy, BioScience, Chemical, Economics, Humanities, etc etc

The exact same thing happened to me. I’ve had to download it separately. Bizarre!

Greetings johnbirrane,

The Mac installer for EndNote versions X7 and earlier required that you manually drag the EndNote application folder to the Applications folder on your hard drive - it was possible to accidentally drag this folder elsewhere.  However, EndNote X8 should perform this folder copying action automatically.  If you aren’t able to find the mentioned EndNote X8 folder within Applications, I would try searching your hard drive for “EndNote X8” to see if you can find this application folder somewhere else.  If you’re unable to find this folder at all, I would suggest reinstalling EndNote X8 to ensure you’ve got a complete application folder, including the mentioned Terms folder: