I recently switched computers and somehow lost a few libraries. When I returned to edit a document that had been created on the old computer using one of the now lost libraries, I discovered the issue. I spent 4 hours yesterday recreating this library. I have the Word 2007 document tied to the new library but some of the citations in the text have old reference numbers. For example, in the old library, van Duren, et al. was reference #7 and is #36 in the new library.
Is there an easy way to re-direct the current citations in the document so that the file doesn’t think there are multiple van Duren et al. articles?
You don’t tell us which version of endnote, and if you have upgraded endnote in the interrum. If is a recent version (9 or better) it shouldn’t matter, as the refs should be in the travelling library. But if it isn’t working correctly, If you unformat and reformat a COPY of the manuscript (so you don’t lose anything and can go back) and use the new library, Endnote should find the best match irrespective of the record number at least with Endnote9 and later. Select the correct reference if there are more than one possible, continue for all the refs in the manuscript and save as a new file. It should now be fixed.
It is just for these reasons, that I always have only one library with everything,which is backed up daily.
Leanne - Thanks for the suggestions. In this issue I manually corrected all the problems. It is when I tried to go to a larger, single library that I ran into troubles.
I tried what you suggested (btw I have EndNote X1.0.1(bld 2682). Of the two libraries I am trying to get my Word 2007 document focused the larger library (a combined library as you suggested). I have no problem unformating; when I reformat, the Word file keeps going back to my smaller library. How do I redirect the file? Thanks!
I tried what you suggested (btw I have EndNote X1.0.1(bld 2682). Of the two libraries I am trying to get my Word 2007 document focused the larger library (a combined library as you suggested). I have no problem unformating; when I reformat, the Word file keeps going back to my smaller library. How do I redirect the file? Thanks!
Make sure that the smaller library is closed (move it and associated files if you have to!). also make sure there is no “grey” bibliography left. Delete it or unlink all fields on the unformated version of the manuscript. (Make sure you are working on a copy, incase anything goes wrong). Then close everything, all word windows and Endnote. Now open the document, open Endnote, make sure only the new library is open in endnote. does it work now?