Hi-- I’m working on a large manuscript. I have Endnote X1 and have been in charge of collecting and inserting references. Recently, as the paper goes back and forth between me and the co-author we’ve been losing references. He doesn’t have any EndNote on his computer-- we both have Mac with Word 2008. The first time, I was able to check for highlighted references and just re-insert those that weren’t grayed (the Endnote highlight). Now, they are all grayed, but only some are linked to EndNote-- meaning I can edit them and they show up in the bibliography. I blamed the problem on my computer crashing, but I just spend two days getting them all back in the paper, and now the original set, the ones that were linked are not. What is going on??? How can I tell which are linked and why are they getting lost? IF I very carefully, insert, save, check the bibliography, it seems to work, but when I’m finished, they arent’ all there. I can’t find a pattern for which are dropped and which are saved. Is there a way to have Endnote find them all again? Why are they grayed out-- does EndNote see them at all? Thanks
If I were sharing a manuscript with another author, especially with someone who doesn’t have endnote, I would always work with CWYW firmly OFF. I often create a list of the refs and paste them in to a copy of the unformated manuscript with {Author, YEAR #RecNO} so my co-author can see what references I have selected. I produce this by inserting the #RecNo(tab) into the “layout”. I have attached my style. This is sorted by Author, but you could change it to sort by record number if you preferred.
You will note it does two things.
it creates a SQUARE bracketed field that looks just like an endnote link as a citation and a reference list which includes the record number. So if you wanted, you could unlink the endnote fields and it should be reformatable later with endnote, by changing the temporary citation from curly to square brackets.
- but I usually just take the reference list produced, copy it into the an unformated copy of the document and unlink the fields from it.
It is just too easy to corrupt a big document with all that information embedded in it
RecNo-Author-Date.ens (14.4 KB)
thank you for that advice, however, it is too late for this document. I think there is not a way to have EndNote find and link to what it previously lost? I now removed the field codes and am reformating the new document that was created, and will have to manually “select” the references from the library and create a new stand alone library which I will insert into the paper as the reference list. Does that sound reasonable? I have EndNote X1, by the way, I have since heard it is full of little problems. I’ve never had this particular problem before even though I’ve always worked with a co-author who is EndNote-less. I also just updated to Windows 08 from 04–
One trick I have used, is to unformat the references in the earlier version, and do a compare documents. then go thru and reject the reference changes, and accept all the other other changes.
There are some other tricks if it is an extensively long document with lots of references. If Author, Year, remove all the et als, and replace the parentheses with curly brackets by search and replace. Don’t even worry about parenthetical remarks that aren’t references. After ignoring those in the next step, you can search and replace em back to parentheses. There may be a few that need the “and” with a second author removed. During reformating, endnote will give you a selection of refs that match, to choose from.
If numbered, drag and drop the refs in the order they are quoted (ref number 1 first and ref 2 second. They will now be the record number that matches. you now need to get a # in front of each of the numbers and them separated with ; and bracketed before you can reformat.