I am using Endnote X3 (Mac version). I ran into a problem when I imported the text file into my endnote. Somehow, the journal names went missing (or shown in the Alternative Journal Name). Also missing were the issue and end page number of the articles. Would someone kindly let me know how to fix this problem? There must be a different way to fix this than to go over each entry to fill in the missing information.
I think you will need to provide a bit more information about the source of the file, the structure of the file and how you imported it. You can move things globally from one field to another, but it would seem that you might want to start the import step over again, perhaps with a different filter?
Thank you Leanne for your help. The source of the file was from my university (university of Calgary). I exported my search as a text file. Each entry would look something like this:
TI - Age of entry and the high school performance of immigrant youth
UR - http://sfx.exlibrisgroup.com/calgarysid=CentralSearch:EGQ&genre=article&atitle=Age+of+entry+and+the+high+school+performance+of+immigrant+youth&volume=67&issue=3&title=JOURNAL+OF+URBAN+ECONOMICS&date=2010-05-01&spage=303&aulast=Stiefel&aufirst=L
AU - Stiefel, L
PY - 2010/05/01
SP - 303
EP - 314
VL - 67
IS - 3
AB - In 2005, immigrants exceeded 12% of the US population, with the highest concentrations in large metropolitan areas. While considerable research has focused on how immigrants affect local wages and housing prices, less research has asked how immigrants fare in US urban public schools. Previous studies find that foreign-born students outperform native-born students in their elementary and middle school years, but urban policymakers and practitioners continue to raise concerns about educational outcomes of immigrants arriving in their high school years. We use data on a large cohort of New York City (NYC) public high school students to examine how the performance of students who immigrate during high school (teen immigrants) differs from that of students who immigrate during middle school (tween immigrants) or elementary school (child immigrants), relative to otherwise similar native-born students. Contrary to prior studies, our difference-in-difference estimates suggest that, ceteris paribus, teen immigrants do well compared to native-born migrants, and that the foreign-born advantage is relatively large among the teen (im)migrants. That said, our findings provide cause for concern about the performance of limited English proficient students, blacks and Hispanics and, importantly, teen migrants. In particular, switching school districts in the high school years that is, student mobility across school districts - may be more detrimental than immigration per se. Results are robust to alternative specifications and cohorts, including a cohort of Miami students. (c) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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I am very new to endnotes, would you be able to advise me how to import it again with a different filter?