Missing References (Word 2010 and X5 Mac)


I’ve got a problem with a file.  Citations were input from X5 on the mac.  The file was moved to another computer and edited by a secondary user, but no field codes were adjusted.  On return, the citations were unformatted, and subsequently reformatted.

SOME of the references appear in the bibliography.

SOME of the references do not format.

NONE of the references get a bibliography number in the text.

I have gone in circles with this, but the citations appear to have simply vanished.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

In continued work on this problem, I changed output styles and viola, there the citations reappeared.  I can’t find for the life of me which setting caused the problem.

What output style is being used in the document (not in the Endnote program)?  I suspect that it is the wrong one?  What do the unformated termporary citations (in curly brackets?) look like? 

Finally, if the fields have been corrupted, I suggest unformating the citations that you can in the pre-edited version and in the updated version. Do a compare and then move thru the merged document and accept reject the appropriate elements that differ.  Next time, I suggest that you only share an unformatted version with non-endnote colleagues to avoid corruption. The content in those fields are “enormous”!  

Maybe they did have endnote and chose a style you didn’t have installed (but then it usually tells you that you don’t have it installed at least on the PC-- (- p.s.   I don’t think you have Word 2010 on a Mac)