I’m using Endnote X6, and recently I got Windows 8 and Word 2010. I’m using the Cite While You Write feature and every time I open my Word document, for some reason some of the citations are mixed up - the in-text citations are not in the rigt places, and sometimes a citation that should not be in that particular document shows up instead of the correct one. If anyone has any idea about this, please help.
Did you update X6 with the latest patch? Go to the EndNote toolbar and select Help > EndNote Program Updates. After updating the software make a backup copy of your document then try unformating then reformating the citations.
Are you using a library that is synced with one one line?
Does the document have citations inserted from more than one library?
Are you using record numbers or another field in the temporary citations?
Make a copy of the document and then – If you unformat the document to temporary citations, are the right ones there? (From the endnote ribbon, “Convert citations to unformated citations” - DO NOT CONVERT TO PLAIN TEXT). Do they all unformat? You might want to removed field codes (or convert to plain text now, will citations are in temporary state) and then try reformating.
– are there any funny punctuation marks in the temporary citations?
If you reformat (“Update citations and bibliography” from the endnote ribbon)
I’m using only one library that is not synced with online at all (I have a separate library that is also online but not this one). When I unformat the document, the temporary citations still show the wrong ones. I didn’t change any options, so when I unformat, it shows {author, year #record number}. I’m not sure what you mean by remove field codes. Is there a way to make Endnote disregard record numbers?
Older version of Endnote used to have glitches like this, usually due to trying to edit or delete citations directly or having a semi-colon in the citation to add extra text. Are they shifted by one? - But I haven’t seen that problem reported here for many years.
The fact the wrong temporary citations are there in the unformatted version, suggests something is seriously wrong and I would therefore contact tech support. Do you have a backup where this problem didn’t occur? Is it pulling the citations from the wrong library?