More than opne author

Hello, I’m quite new to Endnote and I have a question, which I wasn’t able to solve with the documentation (or, I’m not able to understand the documentation) … how can I add more than one author to a Journal Article?? If I type into more than one name in the field “Author”, the names are shortend with just one letter and looks terrible in the Word-document :wink:

it’s Endnote X1 on a Mac with MS Office 2008.

Thanks for any hints.


Well, you should check the manual again

Authors must be encoded like this

Smith, John

Jones, Robert X.

Doe, J.

World Health Organisation,

International Association for Helathcare security, safety, promotion

As you see:

  • one author per line

  • a comma after the full name 

  • a comma at the end of an institution name

  • a double comma after the first comma that appears in an institution name 


you have to enter them one to a line.  You can enter full first name or initials but make sure initials are separated by a space, or Endnote will assume they are a name and abbreviate it to one initial.  It is recommended to do LastName first comma.

FirstAU, FirstName MiddleName

SecondAU, F. M.

ThirdAu, F N

Well, you should check the manual again

Authors must be encoded like this