Move deleted references into a new library

I have a library of 4,000+ references that I need to clean up but since all of the references have been used for publications at some point, I want to move the deleted references to a “Retired” library.  The easiest way would be to delete the reference from All References, then move the deleted references into a new library. However, the only action for a reference in the trash bin is to restore or delete permanantly. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


While it isn’t an option in the right click menu, I can drag and drop the items in the trash to a group of my library and from a group back into the trash. (Windows, EndnoteX7)   So if it were me, I would make a copy of the existing library (just to be safe).   Then create a group “deleted” and move the trash items to that group.  Move them to your new library, then in the first library, move them back to trash and discard.