I have a work endnote library and a home library on different computers . They are both endnote 7. I have tried exporting a few references from one library to another in a txt file and trying to import them at the other end . i just cant get it to work - can anyone step me through’a process that works? it must be possible ? thankyou
Since you have Endnote X7 why don’t you use the “Sync” feature to share libraries between computers? Refer to the training video “EndNote Sync: EndNote X7.1 and Later” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIzbdvRNz8Q
The two libraries are different libraries, a work one with different references than the one I have at home so cannot be synced. I have several references in my own library that I would like to access from my work library , so I can cite as I write just want to have those available in my work library .
There are a couple of possibilities:
- You could use Endnote’s” compressed library” feature to: 1) email a copy of the work and/or home libraries to yourself or 2) transport the files on a flash/portable drive. Assuming the Endnote program is on both home and work computers.you will be able to open and access the libraries although you will need to keep track as to which library is the most current, especially if you start adding references. For information on compressed libraries go to the Endnote toolbar, select Help >Search for help.
- You could designate a unique ID code within each reference of the “work” and “home” library to identify to identify their library of origin . Next, combine all the references from the 2 libraries into a single Endnote library. Then use Endnote’s “Smart Groups” feature to categorize the references into separate groups based on the unique ID code. Finally sync the library (which will retain separate groups/”libraries”) to Endnote online so you can access the library from different computers.
I understand your suggestions, both of which I have thought about . iam not keen on doing either as the work library has over 5000 references . I still want to know , should it be possible just to transfer a few references form one library on one computer to a different library using import export function. That would be the most useful solution for me. If I know the function should work I will try to see what I am doing incorrectly… Thankyou for your help
Yes, you can transfer a few references from one or both libraries by exporting them as an XML file. Start by selecting the references you want then go to the Endnote toolbar and select File > Export. In the export dialog box change the “Save as type” setting to: XML.
To import the XML file, open the Endnote library you want to add the references to then go to the Endnote toolbar and select File > import. In the import dialog box Select the XML file, change the Import Option to “Endnote generated XML” and select the “discard duplicates” setting. Then click the Import button. The additional references will now be added to the library.
Thanks for your help - but for some reason this does not work and - not sure why !
THANKYOU - it finally worked !!!