.nbib file trouble

EndNote 7 is not able to open any .nbib files that I download from pubmed. I have tried in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on my Mac (through research after I found safari is not compatible, and chrome is not reliable, but nonetheless my DL from FireFox had the same issue). All attempts result in the file being grayed out, so I am unable to select it. Any suggestions? I am new to EndNote, so my apologies if there is a simple solution I have missed. I did download the EndNote “How-To” guidebook but did not find a solution. Thanks in advance! 

Did you try the instructions here on North Carolina’s page for the desktop version?  


(and make sure you are on the library mode (the first icon on the endnote toolbar) rather than the online mode (the middle button) I avoid at all costs ever being on the last mode – both.  

or are you working with the online version of endnote?  (my Chrome and IE both just import automatically if I send to citation manager, and open - so I must have ticked the box to auto-open in endnote).