Newspaper article citation, APA style

Just modify the “Newspaper” bibliography template to remove the comma, insert a period.  Then there are assorted changes (see attached image). Have attached a modified APA 6th style which also includes the “Date Accessed” field (attached).

Also cautionary notes: 1) Retrieval dates are no longer needed in APA 6th  unless the source content is likely to change; 2) The Chronicle of Higher Ed is a subscription-based newspaper so unless the article is “free” (open access), clicking on the link may not yield the article -  as illustrated in your example the URL link yields “Page Not Found”.  Instead of the article link maybe use the main page’s URL instead (

APA 6th_modNewspaper.ens (60 KB)

APA 6th_modNewspaper.ens (62.6 KB)