"No Filter" and "Details in Notes Field" error

Dear All,

I am using Endnote X4, but since it was installed every time I try and download from Medline OVIDSP no references are downloaded and I get a *No Filter* in the Author field and *Details in Notes Field* in the title field. I have tried reading as many posts and searched online but I cannot find a way aroudn this. There is definately an Medline OVIDSP filter in the appropriate folder (and it is the latest one from Endnote). I can download via Reprints/Medlars, but then have to go through extra steps telling it which fliter to use etc. I know it doesn’t sound like much extra work, but when you are dowloading 144,000 references as I was it takes a lot more time.

Any advice gratefully accepted!

It sounds like the Medline OVIDSP filter wasn’ selected.  You mention the filter is “in the folder”, however, did you open the Filters Manager to locate and select it?  A check-mark will appear in the adjacent box, indicating it’s been “activated” for use.

To locate and select the filter, go to the EndNote toolbar, select EDIT, IMPORT FILTERS, OPEN FILTER MANAGER.  Locate the Medline OVIDSP filter, and check the box. The close the filter.

Dear CrazyGecko,

Yes, that box is checked - it was one of the first things I looked at. But I still get the same error.

Thanks for the clarification.  Checking the archives reveals other users experiencing the same problem as you.  A posting by Jimmy (forum’s moderator) looks promising: http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-Styles-Filters-and/Problems-importing-OvidSP-Medline-since-change-to-Structured/m-p/19401/highlight/true#M1898

I’ve experienced the same problem in Ovid EMBASE and it seems that this is connected to the numbers of references that you try to export. Here it it seems that if the number is below 200, the import works ok. If above 200, the error that you mention happens.

I’m wondering if Ovid has a limit on how many references you can export in one session?

Best wishes

Jan Ove

An alternate solution, besides not directly exporting more than 400 references at a time, is to try the following (as recommended by Technical Support from Ovid Technologies): “try renaming your Ovid MEDLINE filter to something like : AAMEDLINE (OvidSP). i.e. place “AA” in front of the name of the filter This pushes the MEDLINE filter to the top of the filter list, and has been a simple, low-tech solution to problems.” I have successfully directly exported 1000 at a time in MEDLINE using this technique. The same principle can be applied for other OvidSP database filters if you search more than just MEDLINE. My gripe is having to make this change for the other databases.

 Dear Sir:

I have searched website wwww.endnote.com and Endnote, but I can’t find Output Style of Disaster Advances. So, may developer give me the requested item? So many thanks.