One MS word file, several chapters with dedicated bibliography for each chapters

Is it possible to write one MS word file, several chapters with dedicated bibliography at the end of each chapters?

I have looked around via google but I could get any answer.

Thanks in advance …

>Version prior to X2

You could, if you make multiple documents and create bibliography for each of them, remove EN field code (fix the bibliography), and merge the document into one master document. But you can’t change the bibliography in the merged document, because it doesn’t have EN field code anymore.

>Version X3

Yes, X3 allows you to add bibliography for each section. This new feature is attractive for thesis/book writers.

Thanks alot myoshigi…

I succesfully did when used “APA 5th (section)” style but not for other common style.

I think I can solve this problem after small tweaking on the style .

For other user, you can find the detailed explanation in the “help file” of X3 under title “Creating Multiple Bibliographies in a Single Document (Microsoft Word)”.