One reference per citation possible?


I’m trying to find a solution to have only one reference per citation. I’m using the ACS style and it groups the references (e.g., citation 1 has a reference list 1a, 1b, 1c…). I would like to make the following change: 1a should be 1, 1b should be 2, 1c => 3 etc. I did not find yet any solution and would appreciate if somebody could help.

Thank you.

I’m using Endnote x7.0.1 and Word 2011, operating system Mac, v 10.9.5.

The ACS Style is set to do a grouped in text citation. To change this, in EndNote go to the Edit menu, Output Styles, Open style mangager. Here, highlight the ACS style and choose the Edit button below. Here, under Citations choose “Numbering”. Here, you will see a checkbox that says  “Grouped References” uncheck this box and then go to the File menu and choose Save as. Save the Style As “ACS ungrouped”. Once you have saved the style you can choose the style in your word document.


Colin G.

Technical Support Representative
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474