Hi, I’m actually moving from endnote X1.0.1 (bld2682) to Refman 12.0.0 (bld2401) and I try to open my endnote libraries with Refman.
I follow the messages from refman choosing:
1- The database with the .ENL
2- Choose Read-Write Share
1-Create Reference Manager Database
1-reprint statuse assign to all reference: Not in File
I have an error message “OUT of Memory” for some files ( biggers) or “Cannot open endnote library C://XXXXXX (it may be open by another application)” for smaller files (but end note is not open at all…
The option for directly converting an EndNote library within Reference Manager is for EndNote versions 7 and earlier. EndNote 8 and higher use a new library structure that won’t allow for the direct conversion. If you visit our website here- http://refman.com/support/faqs/Import/faq3.asp you’ll find instructions that walk through the required export from EndNote to a text file that Reference Manager would then be able to import.
Jimmy McColery
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support