Anyone tried to create a style that incorporates the URL hyperlinks?
I’m writing web pages, and I want to use the Wikipedia way of referencing
- number in text which is a hyperlink to the reference at the bottom of the page.
- number in references links back to the text
- title and URL in reference link through to the relevant web site/ page
I’ve made some progress by putting the HTML code into the style (eg
- Citations Templates becomes <a href="#E_Bibliography Number">[Bibliography Number]</a><a name=“R_Bibliography Number”></a> which creates the bookmarks and the references,
- Bibliography Layout becomes <a name=“E_Bibliography Number”></a><a href="#R_Bibliography Number">Bibliography Number.</a> and
- bibliography templates becomes Author, <a href=“URL”>Title</a>. Journal, Year|. Volume|(Issue)|: p. Pages|. <a href=“URL”>URL</a>)
but this means that I have to paste the text into HTML and then go through putting bold, italic, size and bullets back in.
Word 2007 (and previous) support hyperlinks and bookmarks - is it possible to create an output style in Endnote that uses MS Word’s own codes?
Note the above may not be perfect because this post editor has removed some important bits whilst publishing