PDF annotation not appearing


I hope this is not a duplicate.

I’ve imported some pdf in endnote. My annotation (highlights, comments made over the pdf with pdf X-change viewer) that have been made previous to the import, appeared just fine : great!

but :

  1. all annotation made on the pdfs with Endnote (“Attached Pdf” panel) are not applied over the pdf, meaning that when I open the pdf with any other software than endnote : they just don’t appear. It seems that all anotation are stored within the endnote (library) and won’t change the actual pdf.

Is there a way to make annotation effective onto the pdf itself?

  1. For all already imported pdfs : All annotation made with any other software than endnote wont appear at all in Endnote. It seems that the Endnote doesn’t “refesh” the attached pdf. Is there a way to do that ?

Bonus : is there a way to browse pdf/references with Endnote and opening pdf with another software via the “attached Pdf” panel ?



this is a duplicate

responded to other one: http://community.thomsonreuters.com/t5/EndNote-General/Pdf-annotations-are-not-consistent/m-p/135385