PDFs name folder and rename twice in Endnote 7

I hoped the random numbering of the pdf files would be improved in Endnote 7, but unfortunately it still exists.

In the PDF Handling Preferences I asked for a rename to author - year and an automic import of a pdf folder.

That works great and most of the pdfs are imported and have a correct record.

So far so goo.

But then I see that in stead of 1 there are 2 file attachments

With explorer I then want to check the pdf files, but in the PDF folder of the Endnote library there are only sub folders with numbers.

How can I find the pdf I am looking for?

Not sure about why 2 pdfs.

Did you try the search option (top right)  in Windows Explorer? - search on the pdf name

I imagine the folders are stilled named with the numbers intentionally to avoid the exceeded file path length issues in previous versions.

“I imagine the folders are stilled named with the numbers intentionally to avoid the exceeded file path length issues in previous versions.”

Please fix this issue, there should be an option to disable a random subfolder. You can overcome the file path lenght issues by limiting the initial PDF filename.