Random naming of the attachment files in the library.data/PDF folder

I just transfered from X5 version to X6 version.

In Endnote X5 version, I could name the .ris file by the article name(e.g., ABCD), so that when I insert this .ris file, the folder file (in the libraryName.data/PDF folder) containing a certain article will be named by "the name of the .ris file (ABCD) " + “-” + “10 digit random number”. For example, this is one of my file name “Blablabla-0910993152”.

However, when I transfer to X6 version, the attached file could only be named with a 10 digit random number, no matter what I use to name the .ris file. This change is made because when the file name along with path to that file name is over 250 characters, or if the library name and file path/name are over 103 characters, it can start to cause issues when opening or deleting the PDF, or may can’t compress your library.

In the above situation, I hope in the soon future, there would be a setting to automatically set the file names as ‘author-year + just the beginning of the article name’ (controled in 103 characters)  or something similar rather than assigning random numbers. In this way, it will be more convenient to access and recognize the pdf files by their names when we are not using Endnote.