You want to change the 'Default Content File Location to a network location assessible to your users. If you Search “help” for “msi” you can find the instructions below. In our experience DO NOT put the ’ around the network folder name. You will also find other topics on network deployments in that search result. Our Institute IT people seemed to understand these instructions, even though I didn’t!
Changing the Default Content File Location
Content files include output styles, filters, and connections files. These are typically installed in the EndNote program folder. For example:
C:\Program Files\EndNote X4\Styles
C:\Program Files\EndNote X4\Filters
C:\Program Files\EndNote X4\Connections
However, you may want to install the default content files in a folder other than the EndNote program folder. You may want to use a common, shared folder for all users in your organization.
Note: Remember that EndNote compiles style, filter, and connection file lists from both the default installation folder and a user’s personal content folders. For information about setting a personal folder location, see Folder Preferences.
Below are two methods that an administrator could use to run the installer and tell EndNote to relocate the “main” content file locations. The < path_to_content_folders> should be set to the parent path of the content folders. For instance, if the Styles, Filters, and Connections folders are located at D:\ Shared\Content, that path should be used for CFDIR.
Method 1: Specify a custom folder path via command line
This method will work for most users, who install EndNote by launching the installer. To install EndNote with a custom content file folder setting:
For EXE installations:
ENX4Inst.exe CFDIR=”< path_to_content_folders>”
For MSI installations:
msiexec.exe /I ENX4Inst.msi CFDIR=”< path_to_content_folders>”
Method 2: Specify a custom folder path via transform
This method is for site system administrators, who want the end user to install or deploy the application without the user changing settings.
Update the value of the “ CFDIR” property in the Property table, save the transform, and create the group policy object to deploy the installer with the transform. (See the transform documentation for the tool you are using, such as Orca.)