Reference manager to endnote conversion within Word 2016 documents


I’d like to convert the reference manager list in a Word document to Endnote. I have recently upgraded to Word 2016 on a Mac (el capitan), running Endnote X7.7 and there no longer seem to be any options to convert from RefMan to Endnote. Please could you help? Thanks

It isn’t listed in the “convert dropdown” on the word EndnoteX7 ribbon? I have a PC and that is where it is… 

The Word 2016 for Mac looks more like the windows version than the 2011 Word version that I was using. Where there used to be a convert drop down, now there is just ‘bibliography’ (update citations/configure bibliography). The convert option has completely gone!

The convert Reference Manager Citations command only appears in the Cite While You Write commands for Word for Windows. It was never impemented in Word for Macintosh.