Referencing personal letters in Oxford style

Hi. Can anyone suggest a way to reference personal letters, when using Oxford style? There is no reference type for this in the list and everything else looks awkward. Thanks

first you need to decide how you think it should look (are there examples for the style you are using? at the end I found an example which is more complex then the template I found).  

Personal Communication might be an option?  — Oxford Art Journal has a template for that. You can open your chosen  output style and add the ref type to your template list and copy the below and modifiy as required, depending on the information you wanted to include.  

This is what personal communication template looks like in the Art Journal 

Author (Year|, Date|). [Title]|. Folio Number|.

pg 57 of 


Author, year, position, role or status of author, title or subject of letter, type of communication, identity of recipient, day and month, “personal communication”

Linehan, Sophie (2005) Marketing Officer, Acme Paints Ltd. Letter to the author, 21 September. Personal communication.

example of how to cite (add pers. comm. as a part of the year field?)

Acme Paints have no plans to enter overseas markets at the moment (Linehan, 2005. pers. comm.)

Editing a style youtube video youtube video:

Detailed instructions on style modification

Thanks for the help - still struggling with editing styles but I think I’m getting there.

If you get close, and post the edited style with the issue, we can try to tweak it.  

@lunta wrote:

Hi. Can anyone suggest a way to reference personal letters, when using Oxford style?

Could you either: 1) attach the Endnote output style file, or 2) provide the file name of the Endnote output style file?

I think I have it now - just tweaked the ‘Personal Communication’ template to replace the ‘interviewed by’ with ‘letter to’, and a few other minor alterations.

Thanks for the help - I have learnt a new skill!

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