Hi, I’m new to working with the Oxford style, though I’ve been a fan of Endnote for years. Despite the fact that there are 4-6 different Oxford-based output styles in Endnote (I’m working with X.0.2 on a Windows XP machine with Word 2007), none of them conform to the style sheets required for my Oxford publication (style described at http://www.deakin.edu.au/current-students/study-support/study-skills/handouts/oxford-docnote.php).
What’s weird about this style (which is also apparently called “document-note”) is that it requires BOTH numbered citations in the text referencing endnotes AND a separate following bibliography with each work cited. I can get numbered citations or the bibliography but can’t find a way to get both with Endnote. Has anyone else faced this problem and solved it?
Thanks for your help!