APA 6th Edition - Personal Communication

I am wondering what the best way to use Endnote to cite personal communications.  There is a reference type for personal communication, however, it is not consistent with the APA 6th manual.  The manual says that it should just appear as a citation (T.K. Lutes, personal communication, April 18, 2001) , not on the reference list, but when I choose the endnote  reference type “personal communication” it appears in the reference list and the citation appears as (D. Crooks, 2011) even when I enter the full date into the year.  I would just enter these references manually, except that at times they may need to be combined with journal article citations.

Has anyone else encountered this difficulty?  How have you worked around it?

Thank you!

I would still enter them manually.  You can enter them in combination with a conventional citation by using the edit citation dialoag (right click in the formated reference) and typing in the text as a prefix or suffix with the punctuation and spacing.  This will then appear as a part of the citation. 

Thanks - this is a good suggestion