To match a formatting specification, I would like to have no blank lines between my bibliography title and the first reference (i.e., only one hard return/new line/“enter” placed at the end of the bibliography title instead of the default two).
I tried looking in the Edit Output Style window and EndNote, the Configure Bibliography window in Word, and both the EndNote Bibliography and EndNote Bibliography Title paragraph styles in Word, but I could not find a way to format post-title spacing.
On a PC I seemed to manage it, but it was hit or miss.
Repeating it, this is worked-
I did not use the auto-title in the format bibliography interface in Word. After the bibliography was generated I had a line inserted by Endnote which has the default of a 8 pts following the paragraph (my “normal” paragraph style in Word) , and I typed the title in that auto generated line and bolded it. I then modified the paragraph to have no space after - and it stuck even when updating.
I also find that modifying the endnote generated “Endnote Bibliography” style in word (which is visible if you click in the bibliography and see what word style is assigned to it, now “sticks” again, which it did when it first appeared, then didn’t after a while and now sticks again in the version of EndnoteX8 i currently have installed on my desktop machine.