Problems witht the Bibliography Layout


I’m using Endnote X1 and MS Word. I’m faced with the following problem.

I changed the format of the Endnote Bibliography by entering a bibliography title and enlarging the space after. For that I used the "format bibliography "-button in my word document. Then I saved the document, closed the word file and Endnote and openend up both again. 

Unfortunately endnote can’t remember the bibliography title and the enlarged space after. When I check the format of the bibliography, there is no title or correct space after displayed. If I add a new citation the format of the bibliography changes to its origional default.

Can anyone please help me?

Greets, Stefanel

I really just can’t figure out why this option is even there.  Why not just write the title of the Bibliography in the text of the manuscript and be done with it? 

hm, that’s a good idea, especially for the title!

But it’s a little bit exhausting to set the space after and the hanging indent everytime I open the word document.

Thanks for your comment!
