Search reference containing exact phrase in any field in the library

I want to search for references in my library that contains an exact phrase in any field, and can’t figure out how to do that. I’ve found other posts about searching by phrases, but those seem all about searching online databases.

Basically, I wanted to compare the references in my library that contains either one (or both) of the two similar phrases in the abstract or keywords. But if I simply put the phrase in the search box the phrase gets broken into separate words and not together (the words making up the phrases also appears separately very often in the abstracts). Putting the phrase in quotations just gives no results no matter what. And using “IS” instead of “Contain” won’t work because the phrase I’m looking for usually appears somewhere in the abstract or keywords, which obviously will never be exactly the same as a single phrase.

Anyone can help?

Maybe I am not understanding, but when I search my library with a phrase, it only finds that phrase in Endnote X8 when searching my library.  comparing the phrase (without the quotes) “fusion gene” and a keyword “Cell Line, Tumor” – I get 3 matches in my library of 5769 records.  Just “gene” in the abstract field retrieves many many more.  see attached image for the settings.  

Are you using the search panel or the Quick search?  “Quick Search” options are far more limited.  

Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! 
