search tool in Endnote

Could it be possible that, when you search in Endnote library, that the words used for the search strategy to be highlighted in the reference (it is easier to see why the reference has been retrieved if keywords are highlighted)?

perhaps.  – but as an option - I wouldn’t want it there all the time, I find it hard on my eyes.  

There is the tool under “references” menu.  “go to…” which you can use to find the text of the item you searched with… 

i know the tool ‘go to’ but  you have to search reference by reference and I really would like to have, for each reference found in search results , the keyword highlighted (as an option it is a good idea) without having to do anythhing else, just by clicking on the reference i see why the reference has been chosen

Yes. This is a very long-standing request that we have just about ready for release. We hope to have ‘search results highlighted’ included in the upcoming EndNote X7.1 or X7.2 release -  in the next few months.

Jason Rollins, the EndNote team

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Thanks for your response, Jason, good to know this is being implemented.