I enter the author names ([LastName] [FirstInitial]) in a list separated by commas, but when the reference is formatted, the second author in the list is always changed to only initials. Every other author remains in the correct format. How can I prevent this from happening?
For example, this is what happens - you can see that the second author has been changed from “Dieterich S” to “D. S.”:
Wong KH, D. S., Tang J, Cleary K (2007). “Quantitative Measurement of CyberKnife Robotic Arm Steering.” Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 6 (6): 589-594.
You’ll want to enter each author name on to its own line within the Author field. EndNote is capable of recognizing author names in either a ‘last name, first name’ format or ‘first name last name’. EndNote’s Help file goes into more detail but the following knowledgebase article touches upon these requirements:
It is a notation problem of first author’s last name.
The second author’s name is recognized by last name of the first author.
Open the Endnote program
Upper menu ‘Edit’ -> Output styles -> Edit ‘Style name’ -> Left menu ‘Bibliography’ -> Author name -> Initials -> Choose ‘Full Name’ -> Save the change
Go back to your document -> Upper menu ‘Endnote’ -> Click ‘Update Citations and Bibliography’