I’ve had an enquiry about secondary references in EndNote.
I’ve seen a previous posting on this subject. It discussed how to edit the citation but I understand that the reference in the bibliography should show both sources, e.g.
Dales, L.A. (1986) Effective teaching and mentoring. London: Jossey-Bass. Cited in: Palmer, A.M. ed. (1990) Reflective practice in nursing: the growth of the professional practitioner. Oxford: Blackwell Science, p.47.
Does anyone have any tips? Am I missing something obvious?
Thank you very much for this - I knew it was possible to edit references in this way when you have completed the document. However, my enquirer has a number of references of this type so I was hoping that somebody might know of a more robust, within-EndNote method.
You have confirmed for me that there is no better way to do this within EndNote and I can confidently advise the enquirer of that, which is very helpful.
In that thread, I also gave the Endnote adaptable copy and paste into a new field and
then said:
“The long winded way would be to create a completely different reference type, including all that information and a bibliography template to parse it correctly. I would only go to that much trouble, if it were a common occurrence in your writings.”
Perhaps some one has created a style and edited a reference type to accomodate this, that they would be willling to share. This is similar, but perhaps a bit more involved, to the “translated by” fields and style templates for books?
This is an interesting idea and I’d really like to see a reference type like that. However, it wouldn’t help my enquirer as she is using the institutional server version of EndNote and can’t edit any styles at all.
Version of Endnote? If X2, then modified styles are saved locally. (It is possible that a network installation of X2 tried to make a styles folder in a non-existent My Documents folder on the C drive. If when you try to save styles, and it just keeps appending “Copy” and not actually saving the style, then do the same steps as for X1 and earlier, below.)
If earlier, she would just need to save it locally and then change her preferences to point to the new style folder.To do this, create a styles folder in her network or hard drive and copy the styles she wants or wants to alter, from the network installation styles folder to the new location. Make sure that they are no longer write protected (file properties). In Endnote, Edit preferences, folder locations and browse to the new styles folder, and save that location. (Mine is H:\My Documents\Endnote\Styles). (This is what I did, using the server installation in previous endnote versions). Edit the styles she wants to change or copy a style with the new parameters. If you are using EndnoteX2, you might want to distinguish these styles from the original by adding something, like her initials, so you can tell them apart from the program installation files as you can access styles from the Program styles folder and from the local folder)