I am using Apple Pages (v5.6 on OX 10.11.6) with Endnoe X8 for assisted citations in my Pages documents. Nice thing, and works pretty reliably, if it weren’t for the following bugs. I am using APA-formatted citations.
First names are showing up for a few in-text citations, which is a bug. This seems to happen for authors that are cited with more than one reference (f.e., a work from 1994 and 2003)
Phantom biblio: In the automatically created Bibliography list, a few references show up which are NOT cited in the text. They cannot be removed. I tried adding the wrong referene as a citation and again removing it, but the wrong reference remains in the bibliography.
In the automatically created Bibliography list, some books do show up formatted incorrectly with missing italics in their title. The format is correct in Endnote’s preview. I can not find any distinct difference with in the book references that could explain why some show up with italics titles, and others do not.
In the automatically created Bibliography list, paragraph indention is missing. The format is correct in Endnote’s preview. Problem can be fixed by manually changing the paragraph formatting – when done with the paper, because: Any manually formatting gets lost as soon as one in-text citation is inserted/updated.
The automatically created Bibliography list cannot be manually edited. Edits are required though because Endnote’s APA citations are partially incorrect, e.g. with capitalization of countries, names, acronyms in article titles, or publications with both original year and re-published year.
Does anybody have ideas on how to fix these issues?
My workaround for the Bibliography for now is to copy the text, then delete the automated Bibliohraphy and paste in the text once for edits. Of course, this only works when all citations are definitely done for good. It does not help issue #2.
Issue #1 is really a showstopper. I cannot submit a paper with wrong in-text citations lest I forego using Endnote with Pages. :-/
Thanks - hoping for some feedback before submitting this to tech support.