Please be sure to update your Pages to 5.2 and download Apple’s EndNote plugin here: Our initial testing did not show any major issues.
If you do experience issues with the EndNote plugin in Pages 5.2, please let Apple know here:, as they are the ones who produce and support the plugin. However, we’d love it if you would also share your experience with us on this thread for the benefit of the community.
Thanks so much for your patience while we worked with Apple on the Pages 5 compatibility!
Pages 5.2 does seem to work much better. However, I haven’t been able to get Pages to generate a reference with italics (italicized journal name, for example). I’ve tried it with APA and Chicago Author-Date, but Pages just seems to ignore the style formatting in both cases. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Thank you for this report. We can reproduce this issue in house. If you use a style like “author date” it underlines the Journal name correctly, but when you choose a style with italics in the bibliography formatting, this appears as regular font in Pages 5.2, rather than italics. We will report this to Apple for correction in future revisions of Pages.
Colin GIllies
Technical Support Representative
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
Thomson Reuters and its product names and acronyms used herein are trademarks, service marks, and registered trademarks used under license. This email is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged and/or confidential. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender by return email and delete this email and any attachments
(1) The dialog from which EndNote references are to be selected does not allow selecting multiple references (this is possible in Pages 4.3).
(2) The dialog from which EndNote references are to be selected only shows the first author, the title, and the publication year which is insufficient compared to the information provided in Pages 4.3.
(3) The dialog from which EndNote references are to be selected does not show a preview of the reference the format in which it is added to the bibliography (this is possible in Pages 4.3) which makes selecting the proper reference unnecessarily intransparent and difficult.
(4) When a bibliography is appended to the current text, the header “Bibliography” is formatted as plain text and not as a Header 1 (as in Pages 4.3).
(5) When a bibliography is appended to the current text, the references are formatted as “Free form” paragraph style rather than as “Bibliography” paragraph style which is added automatically, using the font that is also used for te main text, in Pages 4.3.
I guess it will take a few more iterations before Pages 5.x and EndNote can be used together.
I tried Pages 5.2 and Endnote Plugin 2.0 with Endnote x7 and found it unusable. The most serious problems were
Pagination stability - adding footnotes results in a pagination “wiggle,” such that the page on the screen keeps moving around. As one types, even just a few letters on a single line, the page breaks change on prior pages. I am using no sectioning, and I tried various formatting options on widow and orphan control, spacing between footnotes, etc., to try to control things.
Every time I created a footnote, a new blank bibliography section was created.
I needed to revert back to Pages 09 and Plugin 1.0, which worked fine.
Since no one else has reported similar issues, I’m wondering if there is a problem with my settings? Another possibility is that the docs with which I am working were either originally created in Pages 09 or are based on a template originally created in Pages 09. However, in all cases, I upgraded the docs/template to Pages 5.2. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I’m having the same problem; I have posted elsewhere on the forum about the duplicate bibliography recently. It probably has nothing to do with your settings, as the standard setup was working fine until two days ago.
Thanks for your reports and I do apologize for the issues you’ve been encountering. So far, I have not been able to reproduce either situation with EndNote X7.1 & Apple Pages 5.2 running on Mac OS 10.9.2. Is this the same environment you’re working in when encountering these issues? Might you have an unpatched version of EndNote X7 installed or are running a previous version of the Mac operating system? If possible, try creating a new Pages 5 document and fill several pages with sample text. Once you’ve got text in this test document, try inserting footnotes and accompanying references to see if the problems are document-specific.
Please let me know what you find.
Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support
I see a few people posting here using Pages and EndNote and thought I would try my luck replying here as running out of options.
I have: MacOSX 10.9, Pages 5.2 and EndNote 7.1
I recently upgraded from EN4 (actually was forced to after upgrading OSX/Pages and realising EN4 just doesn’t load with those versions). Since then I’ve faced a problem which is making Pages almost unusable for me and very curious if any other Pages users are facing the same issue.
I’m not doing anything fancy, basically just using EndNote to insert references into footnotes and generate Bibliography.
After 2-3 pages with a couple of references Pages starts to get very laggy when I type (the longer the document gets the worse the lag gets), On a 10 page document with around 2-5 references per page it is delayed about 0.5-1s per letter typed. It’s extremely distracting when trying to type and almost making Pages unusuable for me.
I’ve been able to reproduce the issue using the example library provided by EN. Using Pages without EN typing is fine. My Mac is only about a year old and still pretty fast with everything else so I’m pretty sure it’s an EN issue.
I tried a support ticket, now I’m being told it’s a bug with no details on if or when it will be fixed. If this is a bug then surely other Pages users on these versions out there are hitting this as well?
If anyone else is experiencing something similar please let me know to give me some confidence this is actually a known issue and will be fixed in a forthcoming release. In the meantime EN is as productive to me as being able to type with one finger.
Appreciate any info on this from anyone, just want to try to get this sorted, thanks.
Can you confirm that this is a known issue on the plugin and that Apple is aware of this? Surely if Apple have developed an EndNote plugin for Pages there is some kind of partnership that you can at least make this issue known to them (at least heard better than any attempt I could make as an end consumer).
The update I got from TR support was that it has been escalated to (TR) development but they could not provide me any information on timeframe of when it would be fixed. But now you’re saying this is on Apple to fix…
Thanks for your response, just trying to get some clear information on this…
After posting on the Apple forums it appears I’m not the only one affecting by this issue as well (and doesn’t surprise me because I could easily reproduce this issue using the example EN library).
I can’t confirm anything, I am just a user too. – But the first post in this thread from TR employee, Gillian gives a link to complain to Apple:
there she says
If you do experience issues with the EndNote plugin in Pages 5.2, please let Apple know here: , as they are the ones who produce and support the plugin. However, we’d love it if you would also share your experience with us on this thread for the benefit of the community.
Thanks so much for your patience while we worked with Apple on the Pages 5 compatibility!
Gillian Neff
Customer Service Team Lead
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
Thomson Reuters and its product names and acronyms used herein are trademarks, service marks, and registered trademarks used under license. This email is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged and/or confidential. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender by return email and delete this email and any attachments."
Hi Leanne, Sorry from your earlier response I misunderstood you worked for TR but appreciate your reply. After chasing this up further with TR support have some progress on this, I shared the latest in the Apple forums here where I found another user hitting the same problem:
Unofortunately, no. The only workaround I’ve found is the one you’ve no doubt considered: change it manually. I copied my reference list into a new document, deleted the reference list in the original document (actually a copy of the original to be safe), changed the journal titles, etc. manually, and pasted the list back into the final document. Of course, this has some pretty obvious downsides, the biggest of which is that the reference list is no longer linked to the in-text citations. Sorry to disappoint (and for the delay in responding). Best of luck, and please share if you find a better solution.
Edit: Sorry, daveneff. I just realized that you asked about footnotes. I use Chicago author-date (parenthetical citations and reference list), so I’m not sure how one might handle the same problem using footnotes. Best.
It just doesn’t work. When I insert an Endnote citation I get (Smith, 1993) and it doesn’t even go into a footnote; it creates a bibliography section and puts it there.
If anything like Word, a “footnote” needs to be inserted using the word processor and then you insert the citation into the footnote. Then the footnote template and settings decides what it looks like, and whether it also produces a bibliography at the end or not. I don’t know if there is a tutorial for Pages, this YouTube video discusses how it works with Word.
Leanne is correct, in Pages first you insert a foot note (menu Insert -> Footnote), then add the EndNote citation (either by insert menu or using the shortcut I think its shift+command+e). Hope this helps.
If you are using the versions you have mentioned, you will probably run into the issue I have described earlier -> after 2-3+ pages with a couple of footnote citations typing will get slow to an unusable point.
I am trying to work on a document in Pages that was created in MS Word with Endnote references.
The Endnote citations do appear in Pages, but any attempt to update the bibliography results in multiple errors in the citations and the entire bibliography disappears. Any suggestions?