I want to move from the Student EndNote X to Student EndNote X2 on my Mac. Because there is no upgrade for the Student version, I need to get a full Student X2 version. I don’t know how this works - will the installation keep my existing libraries and automatically move them from X to X2 or will I lose what I already have during the installation?
Any upgrade leaves the libraries intact. It is always prudent to save them somewhere outside of the program folders. Be sure if you are moving files, that you take the Library itself and the Library.DATA folders too.
Thanks for your reply, Leanne,
so if I save my libraries, say, on a flash drive, and my new installation (which is not an upgrade but the new Student version) erases all the existing libraries, I would be able to copy my libraries back from the flash drive, even though they were saved in an earlier version of the EndNote?
If you still have EndnoteX, the best thing to do is to Go to File> send to: compress library. Save that file to your flash drive. Don’t delete the library from your hard drive though.
uninstall X and install X2. Your existing libraries should still be where ever they were. Your new version of Endnote X2 will probably remember most of the preference settings that are relevant including the default library. You probably won’t need the backup.
In fact, play with the new version a bit. if you mess up your library, then you still have that back up.
There should be no problem opening the Endnote X version in X2.
thank you so much for your help!