style discrepancy in microsoft word 2011

hey everyone, i’ve recently run into a problem using endnote with microsoft word 2011.

i’m using Chicago 16th A style with footnotes. 

whenever i insert a citation it defaults to helvetica. but when i insert a citation that is an ibid, it goes to times new roman. this seems like it should be an easy fix, but i don’t see anything i can change to fix it?

the result is a bunch of citations in helvetica and a bunch of ibids in times new roman. the only way to fix it is to change everything manually, which is precisely what i want to avoid, and the reason i’m using endnote in the first place. any ideas on how to fix this ?


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You can specify the font for Ibid in Edit > Output Styles > Chicago 16th A > Footnotes > Repeated Citations. Select the text in the field and then choose Plain Font from the font drop down list. Then it should use the document font style.