"Suggest terms as you type" problem

Hi, Everybody –

This might be a little long, for which I apologize, but I want to be sure that I have the problem described correctly.

A lot of my references are to papers published in a set of proceedings volumes – so many, in fact, that I’ve created a new reference type that I’ve named “PLSC/PLPSC”, which are the abbreviations used for the proceedings volumes.  I’ve set the fields as shown in the attached screenshot (PLSC-PLPSC.jpg). Note that I’m using the Secondary Title for the Proceedings Name, and that it’s the same field used for the Journal name in a Journal Article reference type.  (Or at least I think it is!)

When I open a new Journal Article reference and start entering a journal title in the Journal field, EndNote suggests names as I type, as it should.  When I open a PLSC/PLPSC reference and start to enter the proceedings name, though, nothing gets suggested.  If I try to fake EndNote out and enter the proceedings name into the journal field of a new Journal Article reference, on the other hand, the proceedings name is suggested the same as would be the name of any other journal.  It seems to me, then, that something in the PLSC/PLPSC reference type isn’t seeing the Journals term list.

I’ve gone to Edit>Preferences>Term Lists and made sure that the “Suggest terms as you type” box is checked.  I’ve also gone to the Tools>Link Term Lists dialog to be sure that the Journals term list is linked to the Journal (Secondary Title) field (as shown in the “Linking Fields.jpg” screenshot below). Please note also that the “search terms” process works just fine when I type in the Author field for the PLSC/PLPSC reference type.  It’s just the Proceedings Name/Secondary Title that’s not being suggested.

I’m hoping that I’ve done something wrong and that one of you crack EndNote experts will be able to advise me as to the error of my ways…

Thanks for your time!


Linking Fields.jpg

I can’t easily test this, but is the abbreviation you are hoping to pop-up,  in the Journal’s term list?  

If so, what if you change the name of the field in the ref type to “journals” rather than “proceedings name”.  Will it pull from the journals terms list now?  

Hi, Leanne –

Thanks for getting back on this so fast!

Yes, the entries are in the Journal term list. They work fine if I start entering them in a Journal Article reference, for instance.

I’ve tried changing the name of the field to “Journal” instead of “Proceedings Name,” but the problem persists.


Okay.  I decided to read the small print in the help files.  I found this statement: 

“By default, the installed Journal term list is linked to the Journal Aritcle reference type.  If you want to associate other reference types to a multi-column list, you need to add a new multi-column term list and associate the necessary fields to that list.”  

But I have no idea how they expect you to do that, when there is only one “secondary title” field in the linking fields dialog, as you show.  Would make me think you would need to use a different field for your alternative ref type?  You may need to ask this question to tech support rather than the forum.  Maybe the developers know what that statement above means?  But what is true, is this matches your problem.  

@craters wrote:

Hi, Everybody –


… When I open a PLSC/PLPSC reference and start to enter the proceedings name, though, nothing gets suggested…  It seems to me, then, that something in the PLSC/PLPSC reference type isn’t seeing the Journals term list…



Since the info doesn’t seem to be “there” was wondering whether after linking the Journal term list to the Journal (Secondary Title) field if you updated the list with data from those fields? (Go to the Tools menu, select Define Term Lists, select the list, and click Update List.)

Hi, CrazyGecko –

Yup.  I ran through that, and no luck, unfortunately.  Nice try, though!..


Okay, Leanne –

Thanks for tracking that down.  I think I’m going to contact Tech Support and see what they have to say.  Once I get The Word, I’ll let you know what happened.

Thanks a million!
