Suggestions for improving the Tags function

The current Tags function can be further enhanced.

  1. It is recommended to support Tag level advanced filtering function. This is what I want the most.
    For example, selecting papers marked with both “tag1” and “tag2”.
    Selecting papers marked with “tag1” or “tag2”.
    Selecting papers marked with “tag1” but without “tag2”.

  2. Are you considering setting up a Tag group? To achieve the classification of Tags.
    For example, the “type1” group can contain “algorithm” Tag, “analysis” Tag, etc., and the “type2” group can contain “simulation” Tag and “real” Tag.

  3. It is recommended to allow sorting of Tags.
    After Tag creation, the order of Tag seems to be fixed.

  4. It is recommended to support more colors for Tags.


Absolutely agree with all of this. The tags function as is in Endnote 21 for Mac is just a colourful grouping, which already exists in the ‘Groups’ function, just without the colours.

Updates should allow filtering by groups and / or tags - see pangdundun’s point 1., with the addition of ‘selecting papers marked with “tag 1” AND “tag 2”’. This is a basic feature on other referencing software and many other softwares.

I also would like a variation of colours to be possible, maybe from a colour wheel.

I especially agree with the addition of Boolean Tag searches. In fact, I assumed this feature already existed when I started making my tags! Do we know if there’s been any word on adding this feature?

I agree, Actually I thought this had been implemented. I was intending to add tags to my records for this very reason. If you can’t do searches based on tag(s) but NOT tag(s) then there is not a lot of point me adding tags to my records.

It would also be useful to be able to tag multiple references simultaneously when multi-selecting references.

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