I have just upgraded to v7, having found my v5 was disabled after the installation of OSX Mavericks.
I thought I would back up to Endnote Online. Unfortunately virtually all refs in “My Groups” got sucked into an unfiled category on line. In v5 you could choose which direction had precedence (Mac to Web, or Web to Mac). This doesn’t seem to be an option in v7.
The result is that I wonder whether I have to insert all the 148 other references into those categories under ‘My Groups’ on the Web. This seems unduly tedious & unnecessary as you would hope that having done this on the desktop it would just appear likewise on the Web version.
I suspect that all the refs I had on the web in a ‘general’ - or ‘unfiled’ - category but which I later put into groups on the desktop were the ones that were ‘sucked out’ leaving only those I had sourced and grouped on the desktop - i.e. new refs - or at least refs new and unrecognized to the Online Version.
However, when just trying to put all my refs back in the appropriate groups on my desktop, I didn’t realize that syncing could happen automatically & as fast as I re-categorized them, they were being sucked back out again.
I have at least stopped auto syncing till I can get help to sort this out.
Anybody know what I can do to nail them back into their appropriate groups and have that reflected on the online account too, please? (Without all 148 references being sucked out of my subheadings again!)