Syncing Endnote with Endnote Web


I am an academic librarian trying to help a professor using Endnote Web. She is using Endnote X7.4, with a Mac. She has created an online account on Endnote Web, entered the account data on her desktop Endnote, the sync status in Endnote indicates that the syncing has taken place… but her library is not on her Endnote Web account. What’s the problem?

Was the correct Endnote library used to sync to the Endnote online account? The path and Endnote library file name can be verified by going to the Endnote toolbar and selecting Edit >Preferences >Sync. The information is shown in the text box below “Sync this Endnote Library. If a different library was used to connect to Endnote online then try copying the references from the other library into the synced library then run sync.

Also, did the user already have a prior Endnote online account which they used before and contained pre-existing references?