I am a long time user, but new to this forum. I have a very strange issue here. I am using Endnote X7 on Windows 10.
For editing one PhD thesis I have adopted CMOS 17 (Types: Standard and Blog) for a different kind of internet references. While I was testing everything works well (please see picture two), but when I try to use this in a whole thesis (1000+ references) Endnote omit some parts (please see picture one):
first entry: Author + “last modified” phrase
second entry: Author
When I notice this, I thought it may be because the author comes after the Title (for some reason), but when I do the test again, everything was ok
I want to highlight that references appear for the first time in both documents. And all other things are the same.
Does anyone have an idea why this occurs?
Looks like an issue with the thesis document. Open the original. Make sure it is backed-up safely.
First try to convert to unformatted citations then update citations.
If the same issue occurs then try clearing the Word field codes:
- Using the new copy of the document, not the original, un-format the citations. Use the “Convert Citations and Bibliography” command from your EndNote tab in Word
- Once the document has un-formatted, any EndNote references will appear as temporary Endnote citations {Author, Year, #record number} and the bibliography is removed.
Next steps:
- Select all the text but NOT the last paragraph mark.
- Press [Ctrl][Cmd key on the Mac]+6 (above the “T” and “Y” key) to remove any additional hidden field codes.
- Press [Ctrl][Cmd]+C to copy the highlighted text.
- Open a new document and press [Ctrl][Cmd]+V to paste.
Note: As you have citations in footnotes, you will need to click in the footnotes section and repeat the above steps.
Now save this new document under a new name and update citations.