My trusty library accumulated over years with 5500 records suddenly refused to open, alleging that “You do not have access privileges to complete that operation.” (Endnote X7.1, Windows 7). Well I did a couple hours, earlier. What kicked me out of the realm, says I?
Library is on a local drive on a laptop. Prior to this insurrection, my “offending” actions were that I had exited the program and powered down the laptop, so not related to sleep and restore. Rebooting doesn’t help. IIt seems unlikely to be a directly permission issue
I’ve found reference to this message occasionally in the discussion archives back for several years and versions, but with no clear cause or resolution proposed.
Recover library worked, but there’s such a pucker factor to relying on that, not to mention the inefficiency of copying the relative PDF folder with 10GB, ~4000 directories and with a single file in each folder.
Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts for a cause how to avoid?
Where is this particular library stored on your local hard drive? Does the library happen to exist within the EndNote X7 program folder, or some other folder inside your Program Files folder? How do you go about opening this EndNote library? Are you first launching EndNote, then clicking “File>Open>Open Library”, or choose the library from the shortcuts listed under “File>Open Library”? Are you launching EndNote and the library by double-clicking the library file itself?
Please let me know what you find.
Best Regards,
Jimmy M.
Customer Technical Support Representative Scientific
Thomson Reuters
Phone: +1 800 336 4474
ResearchSoft Product Support
I keep the library in the user portion of the hard drive (e.g., “C:\Users\cmebane\Documents\Library\Endnote …” to avoid write permissions/administrative priviledge issues set by our IT security policies. Typically I open the Endnote library either by clicking on the program icon which automatically opens the most recent library, or through a shortcut in Word. Since this had worked for the last thousand times or so I had opened my Library, and our IT staff hadn’t been monkeying around, I had to think something had gone wrong in the library.
Recover Library did work, and at the moment all is well. I was hoping for suggestions on how to avoid this happening again, as I have become so dependent on the EndNote way of organizing my research and don’t want to trust in the Recover Library function.
There does seem to be something buggy about X7.1. More than once a week I get the “EndNote has stopped working” message. Usually, it opens right back up, but with a cringe on my part whether it well.
I have just had exactly the same experience as Jimmy, with the exception that my decades old library is slightly smaller than his (3,500 records) and the time between closing my perfectly functional Endnote library and reopening it with the same error message was a matter of seconds.
Opening Endnote defaults to opening the most recently open library. My library is stored in a “my documents” folder on the C drive. Looking at the library file, I noticed that it was MUCH smaller than I thought it should have been (i.e., only 3,959 KB) since I have hundreds of PDFs attached to specific references. I was able to recover from this error using a backed up copy of my library, but as a long-time EndNote user who has many years of hard work invested in this library, the experience was very disconcerting. I’m running X7.2.1 with Windows 7 Enterprise.
I’d appreciate if EndNote staff would respond to this issue and explain the proper recovery technique if this should occur again. If nothing else, when I’m in the middle of writing a paper, opening Endnote to discover that it took an hour to trouble shoot why I couldn’t open my library was disruptive.
On a less important, but slightly aggravating note, the reason I’d closed Endnote in the first place was by clicking the wrong X in the upper right corner of the screen when saving edits to a reference. For the 10,000th time. Wouldn’t it be nice if the tiny “close reference” button was not right next to the tiny “close Endnote button?”
I have just had precisely the same experience as Chris, with the exception that my decades old library is slightly smaller than his (3,500 records) and the time between closing my perfectly functional Endnote library and reopening it with the same error message was a matter of seconds.
Opening Endnote defaults to opening the most recently open library. My library is stored in a “my documents” folder on the C drive. Looking at the library file, I noticed that it was MUCH smaller than I thought it should have been (i.e., only 3,959 KB) since I have hundreds of PDFs attached to specific references. I was able to recover from this error using a backed up copy of my library, but as a long-time EndNote user who has many years of hard work invested in this library, the experience was very disconcerting. I’m running X7.2.1 with Windows 7 Enterprise.
I’d appreciate if Jimmy or another EndNote staffer would respond to this issue and explain the proper recovery technique if this should occur again. If nothing else, when I’m in the middle of writing a paper, opening Endnote to discover that it took an hour to trouble shoot why I couldn’t open my library again was very disruptive.
On a less important, but slightly aggravating note, the reason I’d closed Endnote in the first place was by clicking the wrong X in the upper right corner of the screen when saving edits to a reference. For the 10,000th time. Wouldn’t it be nice if the tiny “close reference” button was not right next to the tiny “close Endnote button?”