Thanks for the response, Jimmy,
I keep the library in the user portion of the hard drive (e.g., “C:\Users\cmebane\Documents\Library\Endnote …” to avoid write permissions/administrative priviledge issues set by our IT security policies. Typically I open the Endnote library either by clicking on the program icon which automatically opens the most recent library, or through a shortcut in Word. Since this had worked for the last thousand times or so I had opened my Library, and our IT staff hadn’t been monkeying around, I had to think something had gone wrong in the library.
Recover Library did work, and at the moment all is well. I was hoping for suggestions on how to avoid this happening again, as I have become so dependent on the EndNote way of organizing my research and don’t want to trust in the Recover Library function.
There does seem to be something buggy about X7.1. More than once a week I get the “EndNote has stopped working” message. Usually, it opens right back up, but with a cringe on my part whether it well.