Update on EndNote X7 CWYW Word 2016 Beta for Mac!

Attention EndNote X7 Mac users! Testing on Beta builds of Cite While You Write with Word 2016 for Mac will begin on Monday, November 30th . Everyone who has signed up on http://bit.ly/1P51se9 will receive an email with instructions at that time. We look forward to your very valuable input!

Chris Hazle-Cary
Channel Operations Coordinator

Thomson Reuters

Testing on Beta builds of Cite While You Write with Word 2016 for Mac has begun. Go to http://endnote.com/betasignup to get started. Let us know how the beta is working for you.

I have Word for Mac 2011 with Endnote 7.4 and and Word 2016 for Mac. Would installation of 7.5 affect my 2011 version as well or can I use ord 2011 with 7.4 and Word 2016 with 7.5?

You can use EndNote X7.4 with Word 2011 and EndNote X7.5 Beta with Word 2016.