Won't save modified reference type, EN X2

I’m using Endnote X2 on a machine running Windows Vista Business, and I cannot get it to save a reference type I have modified for my own purposes.  I am using one of the unused reference types under edit > preferences > reference types > modify reference types.  I am able to create the reference type, and it appears in the list of options in the pull down menu when I go to create a new reference afterwards, but it disappears when I close the Endnote program.  That is, everything works until I shut down the program.  The next time I open Endnote, the reference type I have created is gone.

Has anyone else encountered this?  Is it a known problem?  I did several searches of the forum, but could not find anything relevant.  If anyone can help with this problem, I’d appreciate it greatly. 

Where are your file folder preferences pointing? They can’t point to the location you might have used in previous versions (especially on a Vista operating system) as those folders are read only.  Try changing your preferences to point to a style folder on a local or network drive outside the program folder location. 

Do you have full administrator rights on that computer? It sounds as if the preferences are being reset when you close down.

With Windows XP, the RefTypeTable.xml file is stored at:
C:\Documents and Settings[username]\Application Data\EndNote\RefTypeTable.xml

It’s probably similar on Vista. Is there any reason why you wouldn’t have access to that folder?

Until you find a solution, you should export the modified RefTypeTable.xml file after you have made your modifications. You can then reimport it when you need it again. You export/import it at the same place where you make the modifications: Edit>Preferences>Reference Types.

I use Vista (although not the business version) and had a similar problem.  The solution was to move the EndNote Style folder into “Documents” (or “My Documents”).

Information on Vista and EndNote compatibility issues is available on the support site: http://www.endnote.com/envistaand7.asp