I wrote a paper inserting unformatted citations from EndNote. Otherwise Word would become very unstable. The document is like 20 pages long with 80-ish references. Once I click the button “Update citations…” on the CWYW toolbar in Word, a warning message appear saying “Make a selection first”. I have no idea what this means. What I do know is that the citations do not get formatted.
That is a pretty short paper with not a lot of references. Windows? Mac? most up to date builds of your version of Word and of EndNote?
Have you tried cleaning up the field codes in the document?. Instructions are here: (I would first make a copy of the document and then follow the instructions): http://endnote.com/kb/82629
Do you have allot of tracked changes and do you have other fields? – Accept them prior to doing the above –
I did not clean the field codes, since I have a lot of cross-references in my document that I would otherwise loose.
I stopped the track changes and accepted all the changes and it seems it is working better now. However Word freezes frequently. I might try to reinstall both EndNote and Word.